• Reflections for the Start of 2025

    When I first started this website, it is with the intention that I provide for myself a spot to write. Whether it’s to write down my thoughts, some short stories, snippets of scenes that float in my head — the intention has always been to get into the habit, routine and practice of simply writing….

  • There Need to Be Stakes in the Story

    One of my biggest gripes in a lot of fantasy books is the lack of character motivation. A lot of the time, characters get caught up in some sort of crisis and they suddenly take it upon themselves to manage that crisis and save the world. If you think about it, this makes absolutely no…

  • No Wonder I’ve Been Uninspired

    If I reflect back to when I was my most creative, it would be twelve years ago. I was twenty years old, in the throes of finishing my Bachelor’s degree. I was still living with my parents then, as my university’s campus was only a 20-minute motorbike ride away. My room was (and still is…

  • A True (Embellished) History

    As legend would have it, the Empire would not have existed without Viktor. For it was he who had singlehandedly led the army through the barren wastes. There was no reliance on magic, olde or new. Wielding his mighty blade, a relic passed down from his father, who received from his father, and from the…

Writing About Writing

From time to time, I’ll share some tips on how to improve your writing, whether for fiction or for corporate audiences.

Thoughts and Musings

A writer often has a lot of thoughts floating around. This website will serve as a place for me to share my reflections and musings on various topics.

Short Stories and Snippets

I won’t promise that I’ll produce an epic series, but snippets of scenes and short stories may be possible. Stay tuned for these, for they are rare unicorns.

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This is how it all started…

I’ve been a writer since I was twelve. I’ve been telling stories since even before then.

Since then, I have ventured into corporate and academic writing. I am now a full-time English language lecturer with a background in professional communication and counselling. I am also a licensed coach in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).

This website is merely a personal platform that serves as a creative outlet and place to record my thoughts and musings. Enjoy!


Amateur Writer